Supplementary Figures

Supplementary Figure S1




Figure S1. Correctly classified images. A. InceptionV3 was able to localize all or most tubers in this image with scattered and sometimes subtle tubers. B. InceptionV3 was able to localize the three relatively well-defined tubers in this image. C. InceptionV3 was able to localize the relatively well-defined tuber in this image. Although the image was classified as having tuber(s), the estimated probability was 0.71, as opposed to >0.99 for A and B.

The first column represents the original image, the second column, the map, and the third column the map superimposed on the original image. The first row represents the gradient-weighted class activation map, and the second row represents the saliency map.

Supplementary Figure S2




Figure 2. Incorrectly classified images. We would like to emphasize that incorrectly classified images represented only approximately 5% of the test set, but they sometimes provide insights into the reasons for misclassification. A. InceptionV3 classified this image as having tuber(s) with an estimated probability of 0.82, although it belonged to a control patient. The maps suggest a focus on prominent vascular spaces in the white matter suggestive of radial migration lines. B. InceptionV3 classified this image as having no tuber(s) despite the radiologist-confirmed subtle tuber in the right occipital region. The maps show a focus in the right region, but the model estimated a probability of having tuber(s) of only 4%. C. Although this occurred in a tiny minority of images, this image shows that sometimes the tuber is completely missed and the focus of the maps is not necessarily informative. The estimated probability of having tuber(s) was less than 1%.

The first column represents the original image, the second column represents the map, and the third column represents the map superimposed on the original image. The first row represents the gradient-weighted class activation map, and the second row represents the saliency map.